Monday, August 19, 2013

do you see my 6 waternelons??

It has been "very" hot here in Upstate NY, and humid, humid, humid.  Finally easing off a bit.  Not much rain lately, our creek and pond are beginning to lower.  Last year we lost our pond completely, a sorry sight, and the creek was left with 2 pools from which we watered our geese and ducks..Thank goodness.  We also lost our well..went dry... not fun, but we survived.  Hopefully it will hold this year.

The Grandkids have returned to Tennessee and I will miss them.  Now back to my work, straightening up and tending the food garden.  I've had Lucsious peas, juicy onions, gobs of lettuce, spinach, saw our first tomato, head of broccolli, beans are coming.  I dont know why I plant Cauliflour it never makes.
Some things in gardening vegetables take a special hand, more tending, which I havent developed yet..may never.  I am really tending my watermelon.  Have you paid $7 for one yet?  Yikes!!  We have gotten our wood for the winter.  First winter going to heat all with wood.

This is my little 'Gamper" a Wild cat.  I hope to fix it up.
If you have strawberries, maybe for the first time like me.  You can cut them back and fertilizer them for next year.

We planted 2 cherry trees, had to watch  and water, as this is not an ideal time, but they were on sale.  Watered them today with root stimulator to encourage root growth.

I am going to try and grow vegetables in my greenhouse: lettuce, spinach, greens...I believe now is the time to plant them.

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