Monday, July 8, 2013

Greenhouse, Zebrina and My Clematis Vine.

Zebrina and my Clematis.  I had hoped my clematis would climb and bloom.  It first had a big show of blooms on the bottom. There are different types of Clematis: some grow andbloom on stems from the prior year, and others ( this one grows new stems and blooms. My Zebrina is just starting to bloom, these re seeded from last years blooms.

Here is my greenhouse.  It is very sturdy and the plastic is guaranteed for quite a few years.  It is cemented into the ground.  Better be since we get strong winter winds in New york North country.  I will see how it last the winter.  I put this together with very little help, once at the beginning and then to move it to its permanent spot.  It is only a 6'x 8'  There is nothing like the smell of fresh earth and growing plants on a cold spring day to make you feel good.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hey!! Summer gardening.

Here in Upstate New York:

Finally a normal summer, Rain.  I know some are flooding, thankfully we are not, but it is so good to have rain.  And what a difference it makes for the garden.  Things are growing like weeds...Weeds too.  I have always struggled with weeds, not good at getting rid of them.  Truthfully, I am a lazy gardener.  Any suggestions?

We have added creatures to our life:

Bob, the Goose, Jack the Dog, and Root Beer our Momma Kitty, who has added a few kittens.  

Now to Gardening.  I have a greenhouse, got it here in the spring. greenhouse  I love it will show a picture next. It has given me a place besides my living room to start many plants.  I'm not sure about using it in the winter, very cold here.

I cant say enough about Zebrina Hollyhock, plants pop up everywhere in my flowers and I love it.

Not too late to plant beans, squash, cucumbers, in the north, late tomatoes in the south.

Good gardening.